Support us




Our bank account number: 03-1547-0131551-000

How you can help us help you

Help us to help others connect with their neighbours. A small donation can make all the difference where neighbours are not connected.

Care for your neighbours and your neighbourhood by donating a small amount. Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support is a registered charity and we rely on financial support to continue our work in your communities.

Covid-19 has meant a drop in funds for charities - probably for a very long time, and our costs are rising.

If we want to just maintain our current support for your community, we need your support.

$5 per week can help pay mileage for volunteers and staff to go to street meetings to support neighbours to become a group.

$10 buys a new street sign for your street or somebody else’s.

$60 buys enough flyers to bring people to a street meeting, a street sign and enough letterbox or window stickers to make sure that everyone knows you are a neighbourhood that cares about one another.

Set up a recurring donation OR a one-time donation to our account. Have you considered including us in your Will? It’s a great way to ensure our work can continue to support your community.

Thanks to all our neighbours and supporters who regularly donate through our Small Change campaign.

To support and encourage other neighbourhoods to be part of our network and grow strong, you can make a recurring OR a one-time donation to our account.

We are grateful to our supporters who make our work possible.

Our flash new trailer barbecue!

We’ve been fundraising for a while to buy this fabulous barbecue trailer, which will make it easier for us to bring neighbourhoods together in local parks and community areas.

We’re grateful to our sponsors for making this great project possible. Make sure you support them too.

Tauranga City Council

Pak’nSave Pāpāmoa

Kiwi Fresh Meats

Generation Homes

Burnett Piper

Kiwi Meats

Kea Trailers

Expect to see it around this summer!